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State-of-the-Art Technology Enabling Your Developments

From statewide zoning maps, to demographic trends, home & rent trends, key real estate development diligence data such as state-wide wetlands maps, FEMA flood zones, topography, protected habitats, and more.

Find an interesting opportunity? Prophetic’s proprietary SiteAi technology instantly generates a site plan and calculates the max yield for any parcel.

Crush your revenue goals, analyze development leads 18x faster, and run laps around your competition. Only with Prophetic.

Introducing Your

Real Estate Development
Software Suite

City & County Zoning Data

Exceed your growth goals, control your destiny, and out-maneuver your competition with Prophetic's comprehensive zoning data.

Prophetic has every city & county's zoning map integrated in one place for unprecedented ease of discovering & analyzing development opportunities.

But we don't stop there - once a parcel is selected, Prophetic displays all permitted & conditionally allowed uses, key zoning controls such as FAR, min/max density, setbacks, minimum lot size, and much more.

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Real Estate Development Due Diligence

Prophetic integrates the most important diligence data so you can quickly weed out problematic parcels from your development pipeline.

Prophetic offers 20+ map layers including:

  • Official city & county boundaries

  • Zoning boundaries - every city & county, every zone within each

  • Parcel boundaries

  • Urban Growth Area (UGA) and Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB)

  • FEMA flood plains

  • Wetlands

  • Brownfield & Superfund sites

  • and many more...

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Real-Time Team Collaboration

Institutionalize your team's knowledge & centralize all relevant data for each parcel(s) you analyze. With Prophetic's team collaboration tools, you can save a parcel (or group of parcels) as a project, add notes, create custom tags, and more to ensure that data obtained during diligence is retained, whether the project moves forward now or later.

From there, use custom map measurements & annotations to visualize observed site conditions, easements, and more to give your team a universal understanding of the parcel's conditions.

Ready to purchase the land? Organize all of your acquisition targets with Prophetic's Pipeline. Create custom stages for your team and boost org-wide transparency for your revenue & acquisition funnel. Prophetic's pipeline updates in real time as your team makes changes including per-stage summaries, keyword searching, key date calendar, and more.

With Prophetic's team collaboration tools, you're leveraging state of the art technology to acquire the best land dramatically faster than your competitors.

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SiteAi: Automatic Real Estate
Development Site Plans

How many lots can a parcel be subdivided into? How much of the given parcel will be used for roads, public common space, or stormwater retention? And how is the overall site plan affected by topography, wetlands, flood zones, or other site constraints? Every new real estate development faces these questions. SiteAi has answers.

Our proprietary SiteAi technology integrates a target parcel's boundaries, environmental constraints, zoning controls, and user preferences to deliver an estimated site plan in seconds - not weeks.

Plus - when you calculate subdivision yields in-house, you keep your most promising development targets close to the chest and prevent land bidding wars.

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Real Estate Development
Market Research

Successful real estate developments depend on matching supply with demand.

With Prophetic, enjoy seamless access to decades of historical, current, and projected data, covering everything from housing prices, rental rates, new construction volume, statewide building permits, demographics, crime statistics, extreme weather risk, pollution data, noise levels, and public transit routes & stops.

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Integrated Legal Document Copies

A property may look great at first glance - the zoning checks out, density mandates meet your requirements, and the owner is open to selling.

But what about easements or other fatal flaws that may impact the market value of the land, or potentially prevent you from developing at all?
Pull the records that you need, from a full title report, to transfer documentation, liens, and more - all within Prophetic via our integration with First American Title.

Don't keep spending days waiting for your title rep to get back to you - get copies of documents you need. Now.

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iOS & Android Real Estate Zoning Apps

Rapid assessment of real estate zoning & site constraints while in the field can lead to opportunities your competitors aren't considering.

With Prophetic's mobile apps (iOS & Android), you have unlimited access to full zoning, property ownership, transaction history, and environmental data in one place.

Find an interesting development opportunity? Save, comment, and send the parcel to your team at the office for deeper review.

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Security & Privacy

Your land acquisition strategy is just that - yours. Prophetic ensures that your data remains secure at all times via two-factor authentication, secured cloud & tile servers, separate data silos for each customer organization, and more.

Plus, our privacy policy makes it clear: your data is safe, won't be sold, and won't be used to power any platform analytics.

Need SOC 2 compliance from your technology vendors? No problem - get in touch to discuss our enterprise solutions today.

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